Catholic Nashville

Catholic Nashville (3 Minute Theology)

Three Minute Theology was born out of a desire to spread the joy of the Gospel to people regardless of who they are, where they are, and how busy they are. If we want to love Jesus, we need to know him. So who is Jesus? Who is His Bride, the Church? Why do Catholics believe what they believe and do what they do?

3MT aims at helping Catholics know more about their Faith and gives them a way to share what they believe. Know someone with questions about the Church? There just might be a 3MT episode that begins to answer those questions.

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3m 27s
In the words of Pilate, 'What is truth?' As Catholics, we know Truth is a Person, the Word of God. That Truth is handed on in both Scripture and Tradition - the deposit of faith.
3m 14s
Ever wonder why we call Mass "Mass"? That's the topic of this week's 3MT!
3m 41s
Work doesn't make the man. But there is a goodness and dignity to work. Find out more in this episode.
3m 39s
For our 150th episode, we look at the 150th paragraph of the Catechism.
3m 28s
What is the deadly sin of anger? Is anger ever justified?
3m 26s
Are we saved by faith? Or are we saved by works? Do Catholics believe we can earn our way into heaven? This is the topic of this week's 3 Minute Theology.
Real talk about what guardian angels are, and what they are not.
They are not symbols, nor are they just bread and wine. The Blessed Sacrament and Precious Blood are truly His body, blood, soul, and divinity.
3m 33s
Through Mary's obedience, she unties the knot of Eve's disobedience.
3m 20s
What is gluttony? If food and drink are gifts from God, how could consuming these gifts be a sin?
Why do we celebrate the dedication of the church of St. John Lateran? What is a Cathedral? And why do we care where a bishop's chair is? Find out the answer to these questions and more in this week's installment of Three Minute Theology.
3m 15s
In our last DC episode, Joan speaks about the role of the laity and the unique mission field that each member has.
3m 17s
What is the lectionary and what does it have to do with Mass readings?
3m 30s
What is the theological significance of the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Mother? And if she was ever virgin, what about those brothers of Jesus?
3m 19s
The Psalms are not only the "masterworks of prayer" in the Old Testament, they are also an "essential and permanent" element of prayer for the Church today. So let's explore these important prayers...
Why is St. Joseph the patron of a happy death, and what exactly is a happy death?
3m 39s
How do the Catechism and Canon Law define 'heresy'?
3m 26s
Why is Mary Magdalene considered the 'Apostle of Apostles'?
3m 27s
Sacred Scripture is the inspired Word of God! What does this mean? That's the topic of this week's 3MT.
3m 49s
Can those who suffer from gluten sensitivities receive Communion? If you only receive the host, are you only receiving part of Jesus? We cover all this and more in this episode on the matter of the Sacrament of the Eucharist.